The Answers You Need Fall/Spring 2024
Close your eyes and go deeply within. Consider what is the biggest question dominating your thoughts right now. Once you have that question firmly in place, then compare it with our four big questions. Which aligns most closely with what you need to know? Find your answer below.
4 Big Questions. Pick One. See Your Answer Below.
Which is Your Big Question?
1. Assiyah: The Material World: How Can I Be More Productive?
2. Yetzirah: World of the Heart: How Can I get Over It?
3. Briyah: World of the Mind: How Can I Give My Mind a Break?
4. Atzilut: The World of Creativity and Spirituality: Should I Explore a New Passion?
1. Assiyah: The Material World. How Can I Be More Productive? XVIII ‘The Moon’. Chachamah ‘Wise Woman’ is the Netivot or powerful feminine archetype associated with XVIII ‘The Moon’. This is a wisdom derived from observing the natural world including the phases of the moon. Our bodies, like the moon have their own internal rhythms. By paying attention to your own cycles — particularly during the course of a day, you can amp up your productivity.
Some tasks require greater focus and concentration than others. These should be scheduled for those times when you are most alert and have the greatest stamina. Schedule rote tasks that need to be done, but don’t require your 100%, at times when your energy is lower. Pay attention to your body and schedule in snack and exercise breaks (not coffee breaks). Get up and move around.
If you are not familiar with the Pomodoro Technique, check this link. Give it a try and see if it works for you. Everybody’s personal clock runs differently. When you develop an awareness of how yours work, then you can be more productive.
2. Yetzirah: World of the Heart: How Can I Get Over It? Seven of Cups ‘Visualization’
This is a wakeup call from a period of inertia or indecisiveness. You have suffered an emotional disappointment. Perhaps a relationship has come to an end, or an anticipated opportunity failed to materialize. Your heart was set on something. It has become a dead end.
Stretched out in front of you are many possible paths through the forest of reality. Now that the fog is lifting it is actually quite exciting to tap into your imagination and explore new possibilities.
Spend time in introspection and self reflection to connect again with your heartfelt desires. Sift through your various desires to hone in on what matters most to you. Clarity of vision is important for manifestation. Journal and meditate about what you wish to bring into your life. The Seven of Cups speaks to the power of visualization. Imagine in detail that which you wish to create. Experience it in all of your senses. Feel the emotions. Open your heart to what the universe may bring.
3. Briyah: World of the Mind: How Can I Give My Mind a Break? XVI ‘The Tower’
XVI ‘The Tower’ presages that a ‘break’ is coming — although this may not be the type of break you are expecting. Some of you may be able to relate to the idea of an explosive force that has been building up within that now seeks release. You stand poised on a precipice. And, you have a choice.
The Tower stands for revelation, awakening, liberation, and transformation. Mentally you have reached a breakthrough, a breaking point. Sometimes in life it is necessary to break down old limiting structures and beliefs to make room for new possibilities and perspectives.
You have two choices. Be complacent and settle for things as they are. True happiness evades you. Or, proactively recognize the need for a change. Widen your vision. Embrace a new set of beliefs, values and processes. This takes you on a path of transformation. New and vital rethinking is required. Serious reflection can lead you to discard that which is no longer serves your growth and life purpose. A ‘Tower’ experience allows you to shake off the past to become a more evolved person. Build a new life, a new you!
4. Atzilut: The World of Creativity and Spirituality: Should I Explore a New Passion? 0 ‘The Fool’
Absolutely yes! Begin. Leap into the unknown. Set forth on a new adventure. Joyfully abandon yourself to following your curiosity. There is an encouraging sense of boundless optimism here. Even if this represents taking a risk or jumping outside of your comfort zone, this move can reveal all kinds of new possibilities. New doors can open.
Follow your heart’s desire. It can be liberating to express your authentic self in a distinctive and unique way. See the world from a place of wonderment, excitement and curiosity. Believe in yourself and that everything can unfold according to a higher purpose. Have more fun!
Today we are using The Mary-El Tarot by Marie White