An auspicious time of balance results when Sun and Earth perfectly align during Equinox days. These five days of balanced light and dark, are key turning points when we can pause, regroup, and catapult upward into a higher awareness of our own Divine blueprint and that of our world.
“In equinox, the day and night are of equal length. In life, we should also aim for balance between work and rest, giving and receiving, and activity and restfulness.” — Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Our Equinox reading for the collective has three parts. Our first two cards serve as a gateway — a pathway is illumined that shows where an imbalance exists right now. Our second set of two cards presents a resolution between opposing or out of balance forces. Finally, what will emerge, thrive, and grow when we come into healthy balance?
We are using The New Aura-Soma New Aeon Tarot by Pamela Matthews and Mike Booth and also cite much material gleaned from ‘The Aura-Soma Sourcebook’ by Mike Booth with Carol McKnight.
The Gateway: Person of Pentacles and the Two of Swords (Djwal Khul & Hilarion)
The last three months have been fairly intense and demanding. We push ourselves hard and often go above and beyond the
call of duty to serve others. Things have become increasingly unbalanced resulting in an emotional deficit. We have been giving and overextending and not taking enough time for self care including regular, grounding, daily spiritual practices.
Sometimes when we realize that we are not receiving back from others the same quality of love that we so readily give, we feel disappointed, fatigued and are approaching burnout. It is hard to focus and make good decisions. We are falling into a funk.
This is not like us. Where has the light and joy that we usually feel gone to? We are tired and confused. This existential crisis is a perfect gateway. We are so ready to feel better.
Resolution: Ten of Wands ‘Robin Hood’ and The Universe (The Archangel Tzadkiel)
One more footstep and the Robin Hood figure in the Ten of Wands is home free. The task is complete. The pleasures and
comforts of home await. Friends and family eagerly await. A rainbow of promise graces the sky. You can put down your burden and dance light on your feet.
Instead of letting a mob of tasks pile up on top of each other with no end in sight, carefully delineate the ‘To Do’s’ into manageable, clearly defined chunks that can be checked off once completed. Reward each completion with a small or large ritual celebration: a special treat; a date night; curling up with a book. Plus delegate, delegate, delegate. Release a need to control and a need for perfection.
Another step forward as we move away from being overly burdened is towards our purpose in the world. Trust that we are receiving support from our Guidance Teams. Here the Archangel Tzadkiel shines the light that awakens our feminine intuition putting us in touch with our true purpose and mission. Our fears fall away as we step into ‘The Universe’ with loving and open hearts.
Emergence: Seven of Cups and Temperance ‘Gretel’
At this stage of our journey, we are embarking on a narrow, winding, upward path towards personal fulfillment and
enlightenment. Many possibilities and choices are arrayed before us in the Seven of Cups. Those beings who make up our Guidance Team will never interfere or impose their will upon us. We only need to ask and clarity will come. Once you have asked for Guidance, simply remain alert. Pay attention to signs, to dreams, to the appearance of anomalies in daily life that are meant to bring inspiration and answers.
Gretel of the ‘Hansel and Gretel’ story is a standard bearer for the new feminine initiator. As Hansel, representing the male aspect of the inner child, comes to trust in the female aspect of the inner child, liberation can come to both. Their liberation signals a pathway towards joy and happiness. Temperance integrates fire and water — inspiration and the emotions. Temperance expresses the merging of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine.