We are springing into action with an intensity that doesn’t let up until the next Winter Solstice.
It’s not a drudgery because we are working with a beautiful purpose in mind. This period promises to be productive with a yield above and beyond our expectations.
When things wind down, we intend to reward ourselves with something special — perhaps a vacation, a retreat, or a special training that we have wanted to do for a long time.
We are being given a special exercise to stay sane and in balance at this time. We are using the framework of the seven directions. This is used in Native American, Jewish and, I am sure, many other traditions. I shall be sharing my associations with these directions. If yours are different — no worries, it is all good.
East is the direction of the rising sun. It represents new beginnings and Springtime. The South is the season of Summer. This is the direction of hard work and investment. West brings us to the setting sun and the time of harvest. The North represents the season of Winter with down time, healing, and rest. Above is the realm of the Spiritual World with God/dess and the many layer of spiritual beings. Below is the Earth, our Mother. Finally we have within. All are sacred. All are of equal value.
To navigate this period of intense activity, we can spend a little time on this Seven Direction exercise to see how in balance our activities are. If we notice that certain categories monopolize our time and that others are seldom played in, then we know how with a gentle re-ordering we can come into a more healthy balance.
So we are going to think in terms of seven buckets — one for each direction. Then we shall review a typical week and how we spend our time. Each of us will have a unique set of buckets. Now I am going to list some examples of someactivities for each bucket to help us play the game. Make lists. The results may surprise us!
East. This is the seat of emotions and relationships. Spending quality time with a family member. Visiting a friend. Getting caught up with correspondence. Calling and speaking with a friend or family member.
South. Creativity and Spirituality. Cooking some new exciting recipes, or making old favorites. Writing poetry. Wood carving. Going to a great class on a spiritual topic. Playing music.
West. Let’s get physical! Getting a massage. Eating. Going for a hike. Gardening. Playing with pets. Sports.
North. The world of the mind. Reading. Engaging in stimulating conversation. Playing computer games. Writing poetry.
Above. Praying. Doing spiritual artwork or dance or chanting. Meditation.
Below. Spending time in nature. Listening in the forest. Gardening.
Within. Journaling. Doing dreamwork. Playing with oracle and tarot decks.
Once we have our lists complete, we can see at a glance if there are any areas of major imbalance. If there are, we can simply schedule in to do one activity a week for a bucket that is empty. There are probably a lot of activities that are mysterious to categorize. By being conscious of a certain orientation while we do them — we can add a new layer of meaning to the experience and grow and have more fun, ourselves.
Let’s strive for balance, productivity and more fun as we slog away for the new phase of our lives. As we work our way towards the Winter Solstice let’s have fun dreaming about our reward!
The Maat Tarot http://www.newmoontradingco.com/home.html by Julie Cuccia-Watts is reproduced here by permission.