Shall we, as a world neighborhood, explore together themes of life and death — the contradictions that express at this turning point in the seasons? Join me as we play with this revelatory Solstice Spread by Evvie “Evvin” Marin of Interrobang Tarot.
1. COLD: What is cold? Ace of Cups ‘Compassion’
2. WARMTH: How best to warm it? Ace of Swords ‘Altruism’
What within or about me has slowed, stilled, hardened, cooled, stagnated, or isolated past the point of comfort? What can I do to bring that person, quality, or pattern back into motion, softness, warmth, vitality, attention, care, or love?
Caring should be a natural impulse. My heart usually just goes out when I see a need. I’m able to take that extra time, that extra step to make a small difference in someone else’s life. I’m just not feeling it right now. Perhaps I’m tired or just preoccupied with the many demands that are pulling on me. Why can’t I care more?
Sometimes, you just have to fake it until you make it. Your strong mental sense of knowing can push you forward to do the right thing. Go through the motions, take the right steps and your heart is going to come along for the ride. If you can just begin with the right impulse, this can act to prime the pump. Expecially when your actions prompt an interaction.
3. HUNGER: What is hungry? IX Mekasharet ‘The Mystic’
4. CARE: How best to feed it? Maiden of Swords ‘The Player’
What or who within or about me isn’t getting enough resources, attention, or care? Show me a point of need. What can I do to help feed, witness, or care for this quality, need, or person?
My spiritual practice has stalled. The resources that used to stoke me are leaving me hungry. I have had a whole routine of visualizations, embodied practices, meditations that once sustained me and gave me strong energy and enthusiasm to meet the challenges of the day. They are just not doing it for me now.
You need something fresh and fun. How can you shake it up and even turn it into a game? What impulses, however whacky, are exciting your appetite? Switch it up. Just yield to those impulses. Consider this period as a time out. A time for experimentation with no set rules and no set expectations. You’ve reached a plateau. That’s natural. Suspend the norm and allow yourself to just play around and see what happens.
5. SATIETY: What is sated and full? XIII Mekonennet ‘Transformation’
6. JOY: How best to enjoy it? XVIII Chachamah ‘Wisdom’
What cups within or about me runneth over? How can I best appreciate, count, and enjoy these good things?
This last year has brought a lot of change. I’ve been moving through it step by step — mourning the losses of friends and family members who have left or transitioned. I’ve thrown myself with enthusiam into some causes that I really believed in. Some of these have futzed out. I’ve plumbed the depths of disappointment and shock. Through all of the loss and change I have somehow emerged into a beautiful place. Things that might have devastated me in the past have brought me to a place of not just acceptance — but wonder and excitement as I contemplate ‘What’s next? Who is next?’ I’m curious and I’m ready.
7. QUIET: What is quiet and still? Five of Pentacles ‘Healing’
8. STILLNESS: How best to sit with it? Maiden of Cups ‘Idealist’
What within or about me is in stillness, slowness, or peace? How can I hold my center to sit with this quality or pattern in peace, to witness what needs witnessing, and learn what needs learning from this moment?
I’ve lived long enough to recognize that there are different kinds of miracles. My body is aging. I don’t have the same strength, energy level, or dexterity that I once had. Sometimes my life situation affords me a sense of alienation. Through it all, I have emerged with a youthful sense of optimism. I may not yet know how, but I do know that something good is right around the corner. I feel gratitude for all that I have. I am content to wait and to contemplate.
9. MYSTERY: What is in mystery? Person of Pentacles ‘Builder/ Sensualist’
10. GNOSIS: How best to know it? Four of Cups ‘Epiphany’
What within or about me retains its mystery in a fashion that I need on my radar? How can I sit with this mystery? How can I come to understand it? Tell me something I don’t know.
Beauty and new life is burgeoning all around me. For as long as I am alive, for as long as I have breath… pleasure remains. My senses are alive. I am alive. A spark, a realization is coming to me. Although it is the twilight hour I sit in wonder. I sit in awe. Regeneration time.
About the creator of this spread: Evvie “Evvin” Marin of Interrobang Tarot is a brilliant and original Taroist, Artist, Poet, Musician and Spread Creator. You will want to check out her website for lots more innovative spreads. Of special interest are her three interwoven Tarot decks in progress executed in stark black ink. Two are now complete.
The Tarot de St. Croix by Lisa de St. Croix is used here by permission.