This Solstice is a natural time to pause for reflection and introspection. We can carve out opportunities for rest, awareness, and renewal. This time of year brings a natural stillness. How have we grown? What new gifts are coming into our field? How can we emerge as generous and shining people who care and want to make a difference?
This short and sweet Solstice reading gives us some points to ponder. Valuable lessons have brought us wisdom and growth. What are we now ready to acknowledge and release? What gifts are we being mantled with now? This creative energy will help us to evolve into our new selves. How can we shine this light forward?
Card 1: What are We Releasing? XIV Neviah ‘Alchemy’
Alchemy is the art of transmuting something from one state of being to another. This meditation offers us the opportunity to repurpose the wreckage of this last year. By liberating past wounds and traumas, we engage in profound healing. Identify a few of these. Then throw them into the spiritual trash compactor. Goodbye. I release you. I don’t need to hold on to you any longer. There is no shame in having made mistakes. We are emerging as more compassionate and wiser beings. This card is about shifting into a new and more expansive future.
Card 2: What Gifts are We Receiving? Eight of Fire ‘Activation’
You now have the freedom to re-orient your life. The fish pictured in the Eight of Wands card image are choosing to become one with the stream and flow with it. The Solstice provides optimal conditions for a great release of creative energy. The Eight of Wands brings optimism and the possibility of rapid development. Do you have one or several cherished products that have been languishing on the sidelines due to the constraints of not enough time and too much stress? Submerse yourself now in these current energies and experience a flow of creative inspiration and productivity.
Card 3: What Gifts are We Sharing? Seeker of Fire ‘Artist‘
The ‘Seeker of Fire’/Page of Wands carries the spark of enthusiasm and a desire for exploration. Bravely embrace your aspirations as you tap into your inner passions. When we discover our passion, we live and breathe it with our entire being. Like the dragon, we discover our wings to fly. Our fire clears all obstructions. You possess unique creative gifts that only you can express. You are never too old for a new beginning. Experiment, take risks, and believe in your talents. Life will take on new color as you express your creativity out into the world — whether in the workplace or as a hobby. Have more fun! Believe that you are capable of greatness.