Soul Memory Discovery is a process of energetic healing that enables us to access, identify, and release troubling issues that limit our lives and inhibit the full expression of our Essence and our Being.
Our bodies hold memories of everything that has ever happened to us in this lifetime. All of our experiences are recorded in our physical bodies. We know this when we speak about having a ‘broken heart’, ‘shouldering a burden’, or ‘sitting on our anger’.
Just as our bodies hold memories of everything that has happened to us in this lifetime, our auras, or electro-magnetic fields around our bodies, hold memories of everything that has ever happened for our souls. The soul is the eternal part of us that goes on long after we are done with these bodies. Our souls come to us clothed in their own histories.
The Soul Memory Discovery process is sacred ritual that uses the power of language, gestures, and intentions to affect change. This work can powerfully alter and transform time-space frameworks and existing realities.
In Soul Memory Discovery, we create sacred space where we are able to access all these memory banks to receive clear and accurate information. We can find the origins of any issue, or complex of symptoms, be they physical, emotional, spiritual, life patterns, or entire belief systems.
Unlike traditional talk therapy that can take months or even years to find the origins of an issue, with Soul Memory Discovery we can access the origins of an issue almost immediately and effortlessly. The information comes when the Soul Memory Discovery Facilitator and the client together ask questions of the client’s own soul and Spiritual Guidance Team. We are spiritually directed, and given access to the specific information necessary to release the issue which holds the symptoms in place.
Once we find the origins of the issue, there is a simple release process that lifts these origins out of the system. This process is gentle, swift, and sacred. Once the symptoms are no longer being sourced, they dry up and go away.
All of this is accomplished in usually one session of 2 to 3 hours. The changes that take place through a Soul Memory Discovery session are life enhancing and permanent. Clients often choose to come back for additional work on other areas of their life.
We not only have memories of traumatic events stored in our auric fields, but we also hold memories of all the spiritual contracts we have ever made and of our various past lives. In a Soul Memory Discovery session, we can access memories, and receive information about our chosen mission and purpose for this lifetime.
Our career paths; our spiritual paths; our relationships with teachers and leaders, colleagues and associates, friends and opponents, can all be explored. We can learn about our Guides, Master Guides, and Guardian Angels, who have volunteered to serve with us in this lifetime by supporting our evolution.
This is an exciting time to be here! Each of us has unique contributions we can make to our world. Our full presence is needed now. Soul Memory Discovery is a great gift that allows us to lift off our limitations, and to, almost immediately, step into the fullness of our Truths.
Sitting in the Light in a Soul Memory Discovery session, surrounded with the love of your Guides, moving energies and playing in sacredness, is truly an awesome, humbling, and life-transforming experience.
To learn more about Soul Memory Discovery, please visit my Master Teacher Ellen Kaufman-Dosick’s website.