A continuing evolution in human consciousness allows us to have a new and heroic response to events in our world and communities.
Ancestral memory supported our emergence from the narrow confines of separation and untruth this last month.
Rosh Chodesh (New Moon) Reading for May 26 – June 24, 2017 Sivan 5777
Last month: Iyar 5777, April 27 – May 25, 2017
Six of Fruits Tzedakah or ‘Give and Take
Compassion in action filled our interactions this last month. We have learned to ask for help. We have learned to hear and respond. This was in real face-to-face sharing. We have been undergoing an emotional restructuring that pared us down to our essential nature. We have been more in our bodies and less in our heads.
We have nurtured others by providing food and drink and shelter. The waning moon brought an ennui that motivated us to seek Divine assistance. Generous sharing with others opened up a pathway to make a cherished dream tangible.
The marking of time according to the lunar cycle is an ancient practice that is enjoying resurgence in women’s circles. The New Moon is an excellent time for reflection and renewal. This 5-card spread facilitates both a reflection on the events of the past month and an understanding of what spiritual energies will prevail in our personal lives for the upcoming weeks. I have devised a system that associates a specific Tarot card with each lunar week of the Jewish calendar. This reading interprets five randomly drawn cards within this context.
Card 1: Reflections on the past month
Card 2: The week of the new moon
Card 3: The week of the waxing moon
Card 4: The week of the full moon
Card 5: The week of the waning moon
Week of the New Moon (Rosh Chodesh): May 22 – May 28, 2017
Mother of Waters ‘Empath’:
A continuing evolution in human consciousness allows us to have a new and heroic response to events in our world and communities. In the past, our response to aggression and domination would have been to answer with more of the same. Our own losses and suffering now allow us to respond with compassion. We know what it is to suffer loss. Now when we are faced with blatant lies and duplicity, we bravely join together and counter these with love.
Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche from here in Ashland, Oregon, exemplified this type of response. Three men were bystanders who acted to protect two young women, who were being subjected to anti-Muslim and racist tirade. Love is the answer. We are not afraid.
This week offers opportunities for us to courageously join together to counter aggression and hatred with compassion.
Week of the Waxing Moon: May 29 –June 5, 2017
Two of Waters ‘Engagement’
Hands of friendship are reach out extending a welcome to those who have felt disenfranchised and separate. Some people naturally elicit our sympathy and support. Others, perhaps because of their race, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity, repulse us. Behavior that we can easily view as reprehensible is rooted in an anger that is rooted in fear. This week when we feel a visceral gut reaction of negativity towards an individual or group, let’s challenge ourselves to see their humanity.
Week of the Full Moon: June 6 – June 12, 2017
Matriarch of Waters ‘Inspiration’:
This week of the Full Moon, we are can inspire others by simply letting go and being. Much of our belief systems have been imposed upon us through early indoctrination and fear. The rules and truths that once provided structure to our lives are falling away. They no longer feel relevant. The more we release these structures the emptier we become. To quote Ellen Kaufman Dosick in this month’s Cosmic Times, “The more you let go of, the emptier you are – and the more transparent you become … When you are transparent, you and everyone can more clearly see your Divinity!” By awakening to our own Divinity, we inspire all whom we meet. Let’s not be afraid to allow the Goddess to shine through us by being authentic and doing what we know to be right.
Week of the Waning Moon: June 13 – June 20, 2017
Ten of Waters Mishpachah or ‘Family’:
This week of the Summer Solstice provides the opportunity for us to move forward into oneness consciousness as family, not isolated individuals. Look for how we can create family with those around us. We each carry the imprint of ideal family within us. When we surround ourselves with those who feel like family, we can create our dreams right now. Look for our tribe and let’s make plans together.