Here Comes the Sun! The Solstice is a natural time to celebrate. We are calling in Growth, Abundance, and Joy.
First we pull our Sun card. The first three cards that preface our Sun card are for checking in on how our lives are going right now. The three cards that follow the Sun share how it is likely that the next six months will play out. What can we be working on? Special thanks to ‘Moon of Gemini’ for this lovely spread. The Wheel of Change deck by Alexandra Genetti, is used here by permission.
Card 1. Checking in — how are you feeling? Is there anything specific you should be paying attention to? THE LOVERS
You are enjoying the joy and challenge of living life in partnership with another. This may be a romantic relationship, work related, or a friendship. This relating supports the dawning of consciousness and discovery as your interactions mirror the duality that plays out in the greater world.
Card 2. A message for you. What is important to know at this moment? 6 DISKS
Are you a giver or a taker? Or, do you only give in exact proportion to what you receive? Take a moment to evaluate two things: the relationship that came to mind with Card 1; and your relationship with the Earth. Are you in balance? A healthy balance is one characterized by generous giving while still prioritizing self care. As consumers, are we paying the true price of the things that we are purchasing? Are we considering how we can be generous to the Earth as she sustains us?
Card 3. Let’s identify something that is causing you stress right now.
There is a chapter in your life that is finished. You are having difficulty accepting this and releasing it. Loose ends, habits, remaining pieces are lingering on. It’s time for an honest evaluation. Make a determination to let it go. A whole new world of exploration and adventure awaits just outside the door. Close the door on the old and step forward into the new. You know in your heart that this is true. The old is no longer in alignment and holds you back from your soul purpose.
Card 4. What is important to focus on in the future? What should you start working on? THE WORLD
You are so close to realizing the life of your dreams. It really is possible in this lifetime. Take a little time to focus in on your four most important desires. Then of those four, pick the one that is most important — the one that you most strongly and passionately yearn for. It is attainable. Believe it. Hold this one thing at the forefront of your mind and heart. Let all other choices and activities be in reference to this one thing. Ask yourself, does this bring me closer to achieving my desire? If the answer is ‘no’ then let it go. It’s so easy in life to follow the path of least resistance and to live a reactive life. Now instead, focus on achieving this one thing.
Card 5. Ways that you can make this work. NINE OF DISKS
You now stand in a unique position — unlike any other time of your life. You have worked very hard to build a solid foundation — much like the foundation of the earth’s crust. From that foundation, many wonderful things have sprouted, have grown and are now fruiting. All of your hard work is paying off so that you actually have the time to focus on what you really want to do next. We know that you don’t think in terms of ‘retirement’ but rather of a freeing up, a liberation from frenzied work to insure financial stability. You can now devote some of your time and some of your resources to realizing the one special dream that you have articulated.
Card 6. How do you get to where you want to be? (This card acts like a compass, guiding you.) EIGHT OF SWORDS
Like the baseball that has smashed the window, something will shatter our perception of our position in the world. Some event — not a catastrophic event, but radical enough to fully get your attention and demand a response, is about to bust through into your world. Once you recover from the initial disturbance and inconvenience, this ‘break through’ can lead you to a different way of thinking. Trace back the origens of the event. Meditate upon it. This will liberate your mind and allow you to consider something new to move you closer to creating a new reality.