We ask you to close your eyes and go deeply within. Consider what is the biggest question dominating your thoughts right now. Once you have that question firmly in place, then check our four big questions. Which aligns most closely with what you need to know?
4 Big Questions. Pick One.
1. Assiyah: The Material World: Should I Act Now, or Wait?
2. Yetzirah: World of the Heart: How Can I Get Over It?
3. Briyah: Should I Move Away from this Situation?
4. Atzilut: How Can I Make It Better?
Find Your Answer Below:
1. Assiyah: The Material World: Should I say ‘Yes’ to What is Being Offered? Three of Cups.
We are encouraging you to say ‘Yes’. This is a genuine offer that is being made from a generous heart. This course of action will bring you joy and satisfaction as well as being fun. The Three of Cups is the card of ‘friendship’. You can expect to receive long lasting pleasure as well as personal growth. This is a safe place. Don’t take life too seriously. Be playful and enjoy what is coming to you.
2. Yetzirah: World of the Heart: How Can I Get Over It? Two of Swords.
This is not an easy task. Your sensitive heart is grieving. You need to take a reasonable amount of time to process your loss. Do take this time. Jumping back into life as usual too quickly can be as emotionally detrimental as taking too long to get over something. Fully experience your loss and come to terms with it. After a year is an appropriate time to recover from a major loss — such as the death of a loved one. After a month is an appropriate time for something less serious such as the rejection of a business plan or the departure of a friend.
When this time has passed, then use the power of your mind to excise most reminders from your living space and your mental space. Cherish the wisdom that this loss brings. It will help you to ultimately be a happier and more balanced person.
3. Briyah: World of the Mind: Should I Move Away From This Situation? Five of Waters.
This is a challenging situation. You are experiencing some discomfort, some difficulty… A part of you feels that it would be better to just to get out, to just leave. We are encouraging you to stay the course. You have done nothing wrong. This is the type of problem that can resurface if not dealt with now.
Don’t allow disappointment or grief to push you away. The way that things have come down may be emotionally draining. It may feel unfair. These feelings will pass. If you continue on, you will discover that a lot can be salvaged. All is not lost. Enough remains so that you can successfully regroup. Joy, fulfillment and success are waiting for you on the other side of this experience.
4. Atzilut: The World of Creativity and Spirituality: How Can I Make It Better?
You may find that you have gotten yourself in a bit of a rut here. You keep trying, but you are not making a break through. You are locked into a routine or pattern that feels familiar, but is actually joyless.
We are encouraging you to mix it up. Experiment. Hard work is not the answer here. You probably have believed that if you just keep working hard enough and long enough something will shift. It has not been shifting. You are stuck. Try doing something crazy. Try doing something really different. Have some fun with this. Don’t be afraid to make some mistakes and to mess up. Ultimately things are going to become fresh, interesting, unique and beautiful.
These card images are from the Asherah Tarot by Sarah Wheatley