Descent into darkness, deep rest, and contemplation leads to introspection and relaxed socializing. The element of fire governs the Winter season. Following the Winter Solstice, a slow thawing and melting amps up mental activity and spiritual rejuvenation.
Each season affords us an opportunity to shift our energy. By carrying an awareness of the energy of each season, we can ride that wave and usher in powerful new personal transformation. Natural Mystic has been given keys to unlock each season so that we may move into the highest and best versions of ourselves.
Major Arcana card ‘The Fool’ appears here beckoning us to take advantage of longer twilight and dark time to experiment and play in the three layers or realms of the Shaman’s world.
Residing in the lowest level are our power animals. We can pay special attention to all animals who cross our paths — both in waking time and in dream time. Each animal brings us a message, a clue. Yes, of course, we can consult online to find out what a given animal/bird/insect/reptile symbolizes. Of greater import is to glean the customized message available if we just spend a little time observing an animal and considering what our own personal associations and history with the animal are.
I live in the tropics. Right now, I am quite distracted by columns of ants moving across my wall in and out of my room. They’ve definitely got my attention. They are about team work and following well worn scent paths. I think that it’s time for continuing the collaborations — fairly new for me, that I have been playing with for the last several months.
Our middle world is the realm of time travel. Contemplation of our ancestry — the good, the bad, and the ugly of it, gives us a place of reference — a place to ground in our spiritual practice. Every ancestral background can be traced back toits tribal roots. Let’s be open to information about our past and our possible future that may come from night and day dreamings.
Many present day challenges are due to lineage issues — such as curses on our lineage, inherited issues like attitudes about making money and even predilections to health disorders that have become embedded in our DNA. Contact me by phone or email if you would like to explore erasing a lineage imprint.
Inhabiting the upper realm are our actual guides and teachers here in real time and our Spiritual Guides. I am terrifically grateful that I have two living teachers here on the planet and that I also have a daily relationship and communion with my Spiritual Guidance Team. This winter is a good time to improve that communication. If you do not know your Spirit Guides, then contact me and I can help you with this.
Play in these three realms this winter to prepare for the new life and fresh starts that Spring will bring.